Oh hello there weary traveler. Are you in need of food or supplies? I hope not because sadly this blog is not able to provide you with any of that but i suppose there’s another question on your mind?

Who are you and why are you making this blog??

Well… thank you for asking my rhetorical conversation partner!
My Name is Sebastian Muxel but i usually go by Sebi or my username muxelplexer.

I’m a C++ developer from Austria in my early 20s earning my money through dubious Win32 API hacks and other Shenenigans to get Siemens Software work as a user would expect it to.
When i’m not at Work i either hack into my most recent Hyperfixation or i try to wrap my head around music production. I also spend quite some time maintaining and improving on my Server Service System larkspur. (I wil gladly accept alternative names for the product category)
I’m also politically active for a communist youth organization so expect filthy left-green liberal opinions now and then, politics will be specifically tagged though.

Yeah, that’s nice and all but again: Why are you making this blog?

Well… i don’t really know why either but i constantly rant and complain into my friend’s discord and telegram channels and i thought screaming against some blog wall will atleast save my anger for future generations.

If you love reading how a nerd starts to loose his sanity i’ll provide you with a list of what’s to come:

  • Siemens NX or how i learned to stop worrying and love the Win32 API
  • The joy of realizing what C Developers call documentation does not look like a documentation to you
  • Fun little C++ ideas/tricks i find over the day
  • larkspur related updates and rants.